God Calls You to Follow Your Dreams

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Reach high because the stars lie hidden in your soul. ✨✨

Do you believe in your dreams? Maybe you want to get that promotion, that dream job, to be accepted into that school,to meet the love of your life, to travel, to explore, to create, to inspire, to change the world.

YOU can make these dreams come true. Do you want to know the key to making it happen?

  • Believing in yourself
  • Having faith
  • Trusting god

Each of us has such a beautiful unique dream in us waiting to be unlocked. For These dreams were placed in us by god. And he wants to see us shine so bright. For he created us to be this way and to have this dream.

This week God showed me how important it is to honor the dreams he placed in us with faith and hope.

There may be times where our dreams are challenged. Where people will tell us, you’re never going to make it. You can’t do that. You’re not good enough. Where we may feel tempted to settle for less then what we really want.

But God calls us to persevere with hope and faith. We can silence these negative thoughts and these doubts. We just need to believe in ourselves. When we silence the doubters, and trust that God gave us our dream. We persevere with faith!

“I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me” Why would you believe a doubter when you can trust the God that designed you? He created you this way and knows the plans he has for you.

Don’t settle and keep dreaming because that’s when you see god move. That’s where he shows you how powerful he is. you’ll see the Fantastic Adventure In Trusting Him (faith).

So today I’m making a commitment. I’m choosing to trust God and chase my dreams ❤